Descriere Hotelul reprezinta o structura de cazare simpla cu pret avantajos fiind totodata situat foarte aproape de centrul animatei statiuni FalirakiLocalizare in Faliraki la aproximativ 400 m distanta de plaja cu nisip la 200 m de centrul statiun . . .
The aparthotel GRECIAN FANTASIA RESORT is located approximately 350 m from a beach Nearby there is a disco which offers entertainment in high season On the beach are sun umbrellas available Cold drinks are served at the bar on the beach The seasoThe . . .
ConceptDoar adulți16Varsta minima16CategorieThree StarRegistrul oficial3 steleNumărul camerelor pentru nefumătoriToateAnul de construcție1991Anul ultimei renovări2019Cod poștal85106Telefon30 2241085080Fax30 2241085090E-mailhappydaystholosya
Descriere Un mic hotel destinat in exclusivitate adultilor Hotelul a fost renovat partial in 2019Localizare la aproximativ 150 m de plaja din zona Tholos si 6 km de aeroportDotari camere aer conditionat contra cost televizor telefon frigider uscator . . .
DescriereHotelul Heleni Beach este un hotel de 2 stele din Ialyssos una dintre cele mai populare statiuni turistice din cosmopolitul Rodos oferind cazare de inalta calitate la preuri accesibile Recent renovat prietenoas si modern Heleni Beach Hotel s . . .
The accommodation Hippocampus hotel is located approximately 250 m from a beach The nearest restaurants and bars can be found within 500 m The old town is around 3 km away The hotel has a reception check-in is possible around the clock a lobbyThe acc . . .
About 900 m from a beach is located the hotel Eagle Nest Hotel The city centre is around 1 km away The hotel is equipped with Wi-Fi a lift as well as parking spaces In the outdoor area you will find a garden as well as a pool that is open seasonaAbou . . .
The hotel G92 Hotel is located approximately 1 km from a beach The hotel is equipped with Wi-Fi If you want to explore the holiday region you can use the car rental service close to the hotel The hotel G92 Hotel is located approximately 1 km from a b . . .
Descriere Partheon City beneficiaza de o locatie excelenta fiind situat la 10 minute de mers de orasul medieval in apropiere de centrul comercial al orasului si la 100 m de plaja Psaropoula Localizare in orasul Rodos la cateva sute de metri de centru . . .
Around 600 m from a beach is located the hotel Stamos Hotel The nearest restaurants and bars can be found within 250 m On the beach are sun loungers and sun umbrellas available The seasonally air-conditioned hotel is equipped with a 24h receptionArou . . .
Descriere Hotelul a fost renovat recent si este recomandat pentru locatia excelenta langa plaja Eli unde se intalnesc Marea Mediterana si Marea Egee aproape de orasul medieval de magazine si restauranteLocalizare in orasul Rodos la 50 m distanta de p . . .
ConceptFamilieCategorieFour StarRegistrul oficial4 steleNumărul camerelor pentru nefumătoriToateAnul de construcție1989Anul ultimei renovări2018Cod poștal85107Telefon30 2244048149Fax30 2244048148Pagină webwwwhotelillyssiongrTripadvisorhttps
The hotel ILYSSION BEACH RESORT is located next to the private beach The nearest restaurants and bars can be found within 300 m The old town is around 55 km away A supermarket and other shops you reach after around 1 km On the beach are sun umbreThe . . .
ConceptFamilie Stimulent CategorieFour StarRegistrul oficial4 steleCertificate de hotelSteag albastru HACCP sistem de analiză a pericolelor a factorilor periculoşi și control al punctelor criticeNumărul camerelor pentru nefumătoriToateAnul